What makes Keep Safe Care different is that we are NOT selling traditional private duty franchises, but instead offering a Private-Duty-in-a-Box® software licenses bundled into our Ultra-Lite Franchise® model for $10,000 to $20,000 to qualified individuals who want to be in the business of helping take care of people, but not have to go into debt to do so. We believe in sharing the risks and sharing the rewards and are all about ensuring your success. Keep Safe Care becomes successful when you are successful. Unlike Franchisors, Keep Safe Care does not take all your money upfront, but wants to partner with you to help you grow, similar to how Starbucks grew in the 80s and 90s and continues to do so today. If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate or already have a agency and want to become an Associate, please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you.
It Costs Less and You Get More
Instead of spending $150,000 to $250,000 to purchase a franchise, Keep Safe Care’s Ultra-Lite Franchise® model involves purchasing a Private-Duty-in-a Box® software license. The startup cost is $15,000, with a first-year outlay of under $40,000. Our model keeps start up costs low to help your chances of success. So remember these numbers: 10-5-2. It costs 1/10th to start, levies 1/5th the franchise fees, and reduces your operating expenses by 1/2 compared to traditional franchises.

1704 West Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701
(844) 4KEEPSC
(844) 453-3772
Copyright © 2021 Keep Safe Care®, The Next Level of Caregiving® and its Logos are registered trademarks & the property of Keep Safe Care®